How you hold the cup?

in bits and pieces
Saw it on the way to Gulmarg. Lal Ded maternity Hospital is at Raj Bagh. This hoarding was probably for a State hospital….maybe Jhelum Valley Medical College and Hospital, Bemina. Like many, I was born at Lal Ded maternity Hospital.
It just used to be a daub of henna planted in the center of the palm by a woman, now there are elaborate designs made by experts.
Photograph of a Security man posted on Habba Kadal.
Count the number of street lamps and the number of security men, if the security men out number the lamp posts, you know you have set foot on a troubled street.
On way to Gulmarg, I saw a security man standing, on duty, alone, in the middle of a vegetable field, shooting. He was taking pictures using a digital camera.
I was taught: Do not look at the eagle flying overhead, it will pluck your eyes out clean.
I was taught: A Batta is one who can steal an eagle’s egg clean from underneath the bird of prey sitting high in its nest.
Wal sa yoor, ti tul sa photo
Come here and take a photograph
Kharyaar, Habba Kadal
June 2008
The centenary postal stamp released on July 3, 1998 by Government of India in honor of Kashmiri saint Bub ‘father’ Bhagwaan ‘God’ Jadadguru ‘World Teacher’ Gopinath Ji (3rd July, 1898 – 28th May 1968).
[Official web site: bhagavaangopinathji.org ]
Photographs of Bhagwaan Gopinath Ji Ashram situated at Kharyar near Habba Kadal, Srinagar, Kashmir. (Dated June, 2008)
A recently re-built ashram of Bhagwaan Gopinath Ji in the premises of the Durga Mandir at Kharyar.
A Kashmiri Pandit family has donated its house to be used as an ashram.
I was told that a Haenz Bai, a Muslim fisher woman, started to take care of the ashram when the situation was really bad in Kashmir.
An old desolate looking house to the left on entering the ashram.The house right in front of it is used as a guest house for pandits families who might want to stay at the ashram for a couple of days.
View of the opposite bank of Jhelum as seen from the ashram.
Habba Kadal as seen from the ashram.
Boats on river Jhelum near the ghat next to the ashram.
Houses (mostly pandit) right next to the ghat.
The central hall on the first floor of the ashram housing the statue of Bhagwaan Gopinath Ji.
The original marble statue of saint was installed in June, 1972. Similar statues are now placed in the ashrams located at Jammu (Udaiwala Road, Bohri) and Delhi (Opp. D-43, Pamposh Enclave, G.K-I).
View in front of the statue
View from the left window of the hall on the first floor of the ashram.
The house is used as a living quarter for the security men guarding the ashram. Interestingly the presence of security men here is not overbearing as against the situation at the nearby Ganesh temple of Ganpatyaar
View to the right and from the top floor of the ashram.
Kashmiri Muslim house to the right.
Passage that links the ashram to the main road.
Ami pana so’dras nAvi ches lamAn
Kati bozi Day myon meyti diyi tAr
Ameyn tAkeyn poniy zan shemAn
Zuv chum bramAn gara gatshaha.
With a rope of untwisted thread am I towing a boat upon the ocean.
Where will my God hear? Will He carry even me over?
Like water in goblets of unbaked clay, do I slowly wast away.
My souls is in a dizzy whirl. Fain would I reach my home.
Lalla-Vakyani Or the Wise Sayings of Lal-Ded – A Mystic Poetess of Ancient … By Sir George Grierson (1920)
I was told Kashmiri Muslims attribute this saying to Lal Ded’s contemporary Nund Reshi – the founder of Reshi cult of Kashmir.
A Chinar tree at Khir Bhawani.
June 2008.