Ride with the devil, hide behind the Lord
I got pistol, I got sword
I got Hizbul, I already got land
And still I wonder why I got this stone in my hand
Stone in my hand, stone in my hand
And still I wonder why I got this stone in my hand
O’ bother in faith, let me explain
I say we want a revolution, well, muslims get on board
We’ll restart the old crusade, we’ll start a Holy war
that’s not an orders, that’s the simplest plan
I don’t need nothing but the stone in your hand
Stone in your hand, stone in your hand
I don’t need nothing but that stone in your hand
Stone in your hand, stone in your hand
I don’t need nothing but the stone that’s in your hand
P too got fighter jets, P too will drop bombs
kill their fathers, kill their moms
Kill their brothers and their sisters, and their uncles and their aunts
O’ let them wonder why you got this stone in your hand
Stone in your hand, stone in your hand
And still you wonder why you got this stone in your hand
All the hate that’s in my heart and the stone that’s in your hand
Your blood runs the gutters, smoke fills the sky
your son that suffers, your mother cries
So if you’ve not had enough and you’re ready for my stand
better be forever waiting with the stone that’s in your hand
Stone in your hand, stone in your hand
forever waiting with the stone that’s in your hand
Stone in your hand, stone in your hand
Based on the song “Stone in my hand” (2008) by Everlast, popular among online supporter if stonepelters.
Mujahid is to Tahreeki what Cow is to Hinduvadi. A holy cow about whose political utility you can’t question anything. Blood of Mujahids is as unquestionably good for nation as cow’s milk is for humanity. A basic criteria for a noble, just society. Kaamdenu cow of Kashmir…all purpose wish fulfilling cows that shall bring a peace of paradise to earth.