Annigatti vanninam nanni kathe em lal-faroshan
Kanni manz draamo jawaharaey
In darkness,
that ruby-seller offered me
– naked words.
A stone split,
a gem was revealed.
~ Rasul Mir, 19th century
yas zali bad’nas ash’qun naar
su zaani kyah gov hijr-e-yaar,
Maqbool kornas dil nigaar
The body set on fire by love
it knows meaning of separation from love
it accepts an idol in place of heart.
~ from ‘Gulraiz’ by Maqbool Shah Qraalwari, (d. 1877) Kashmir. Based on work of Zia Nakhshabi, a 14th century Persian poet.
yas andra tundras naar tatae
matya kon aakh yaar sinjh vate
this body
like an oven
slow burns.
you didn’t find a way to
a friend?
~ Fakir Nyam Sahib (19th century, Srinagar)
Tanni Gom Rabaab
Gagan gayum taare
Zeer o Bum th’hovth’hum Cheero lo
My body now a Rabab
veins: the strings
From these you cleave out
high and low
~ Rahim Sahib Sopore, 19th Century*
Cchi saazas zindagii hu’ndis rabaabas suu’ty kyah nesbat
Rabaabas jartu’ swn vanu’nas rabaab aval rabaab aa’khu’r
Bears no relevance;
Rabaab is nothing, but a Rabaab
Even when gilted dense
~ Abdul Ahad Azad, 20th century