Song for the last morsel
Acha falu
Macha falu
Khodaiy saehbun Bhatt’e falu
Yemiss razas Tchalu
Humiss kaawas lagu
in bits and pieces
Song for the last morsel
Acha falu
Macha falu
Khodaiy saehbun Bhatt’e falu
Yemiss razas Tchalu
Humiss kaawas lagu
It's a rhyme that mothers would sing to their child to get them to eat more.
Art'tcha fallu
mart'tcha fallu
The first two lines are nonsensical, just for rhyming sound. Fallu means morsel.
Khodaiy saehbun Bhatt'e falu
Yemiss razas Tchalu
Humiss kaawas lag
Khuda's Rice Morsel
Leaves this royal kid
finds way to a crow
[The kid would them eat, pretending he is the the crow]
Sometime the last two lines would be:
bitto jiyas [name of the kid] douad tsalu ta
hummis kaavas lagu
Sickness leaves Bitto Ji
finds way to that crow.