In Indian Ocean, on an island,
the Persian built a stone home.
They called it Zanzibar.
Ace of Spade is the highest card in a deck of cards.
In Zanzibar, they call Ace of Spade:
How far is Zanzibar from Kashmir?
In winters, there’s a little bird that flies all the way from Kashmir,
over Kerala, to Sri Lanka.
At both the places, they say, it steals cotton.
In Kashmir they call it:
When the British first arrived in Hindustaan,
and started collecting the tongues
for their grammars and dictionaries,
for their grammars and dictionaries,
they would travel far and wide
and ask questions of simple kind
In a village in Bengal, they would ask,
‘How far is Kashmir from here?’
‘How far is Kashmir from here?
When King Milinda asked Nāgasena:
‘How far is Kashmir from here?
Nāgasena replied,
‘Never too far.
Kashmir in my mind is just a thought away.’
