……The building most probably is the shrine of Aishmuqam on way to Pahalgham and not Makhdoom saheb, who incidentally was a Suhurwardiya and not a Kubarwiya saint. The Kubarwiya order originated in Iran-the founder being Sheikh Najm-ud-din Kubarvi….the order was introduced to Kashmir by Mir sayyed Ali Hamdani.
You are right. I have had this discussion before and come to the same conclusion. This is Aishmuqam. You might the following two post interesting:
Aishmukam, 1927. Martin Hürlimann
Snake Lords of Aishmuqam
Man Mohan Munshi Ji confirms it via an email. He wrote:
it is "Ziarat of Makdoom Sahaib on Hari Parbat, founder of Kubwari sect in Kashmir."
……The building most probably is the shrine of Aishmuqam on way to Pahalgham and not Makhdoom saheb, who incidentally was a Suhurwardiya and not a Kubarwiya saint. The Kubarwiya order originated in Iran-the founder being Sheikh Najm-ud-din Kubarvi….the order was introduced to Kashmir by Mir sayyed Ali Hamdani.
You are right. I have had this discussion before and come to the same conclusion. This is Aishmuqam. You might the following two post interesting:
Aishmukam, 1927. Martin Hürlimann
Snake Lords of Aishmuqam
And yes, Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom (AD 1394-1476) was of the Soharwardi order.
Makhdoom Sahib had studied at Kubravi school but he was following Sohrawardi order.