Still some more paintings from ‘The Charm of Kashmir’ (1920) by V.C. Scott O’connor (Vincent Clarence Scott, 1869-1945). These are by an artist named Mrs. L Sultan Ahmad. I couldn’t find anything about this artist. In the foreword to the book, the author wrote:
Like Abanindro Nath Tagore, she would reach the spirit that lies hidden behind the glow of colour and the splendour of the world in Kashmir. In the two pictures she has contributed to this volume, there stand revealed the lustre of Day, when the world is going about its business; and the mystery of Night, when the dark Canals are veiled in shadows. They are symbolic of the East, where Life and Death jostle each other, and Secrecy and
Candour go hand in hand.
Day:- The Apple Tree Canal |
Night:- The Mar Canal |