July, 2009
‘Sarkar gir gai! Sarkar gir gai! The government has fallen!’
At Amira Kadal, a young newspaper vendor was screaming at the top of his voice. The paper was selling briskly. Only paces away from him, on the same pavement, a distraught looking old man, another newspaper vendor, was trying to grab the attention of faceless morning crowd. He was beating the palm of his one hand on his head while the other hand was pointed towards his young competitor.
‘Ha yemis kya sa gao! Ha yemis ha’sa niyn ra’tith! What is wrong with him? They will get him! The government hasn’t fallen. He is lying through his teeth. Look at him. Stop him.’
People kept walking. He competitor kept making the pitch.
Previous day, the Chief Minister of the state, amid an uproar, had angrily walked out of the assembly house and later submitted his resignation. The resignation was rejected by the governor and the government did not fall.
Thanks for all the comments!