Last rain of winter, tonight it will snow.
Morning, my piss will drill holes yellow in pristine snow.
Put kangri out of bed, many houses it has burnt.
Don’t put your feet on it, weak eyes you get.
No bath in morning, no bath for weeks.
Pray the pipe bursts, like it always does.
Get your head out of pheran!
Want to choke on coal fumes or on your own fart!
Better than choking on your fish – smelly, dried!
Hmm…Two weeks, still no light, no TV.
Son go to sleep, don’t you know it’s snowing in Kashir.
Winter, 2017
last winter II
you been collecting snow for centuries
we believe
you can carve wood, you can carve stone
you can carve meat, you can carve bread
on a good day you can even carve a dream
with eyes wide shut
yet, this art of carving snow
on a good winter’s day
you and your sheen mohniv
its grubby charcoal nose and
two squinty eyes