This is the fourth year of the ritual. And it seems the well has finally dried up. Couldn’t find much that I hadn’t already read. This year’s pick:

Kath – Stories from Kashmir
Compiled and translated by Neerja Mattoo
Sahitya Akademi
First Edition, 2011
Rs. 175

Mahmud Gami
by Muzaffar Aazim
Sahitya Akademi (First published 1991), Rs.15)
(Thanks to this one, made an edit to note on Wahab Khar’s Shekh Sana)
Next ones are in a language I can’t read. Kashmiri. Maybe, I will pick it up someday.

Nehru Bal Pustakalaya
First published 1975
2001, Rs.21
A beautiful page from the book that sold it to me:

And then sold this book too.

An Anthology of Kashmiri Poem
National Book Trust, India
2000, Rs. 65