She often sings
She sings songs that I do not understand
She sings of Gods that I do not know
I wonder:
Who wrote it?
She often sings
Khir Khand Khyen’chi ae’sis pr’ye
kan-mool khey’th wo’yn kad’ya su dyeh
ga’yom hay’e Ram dand’ak wan
s’yeeth Seeta ti by’e Lakhman
ga’yom hay’e Ram dand’ak wan
ky’end ma’sy’nas tha’ye kho’ran
ga’yom hay’e Ram dand’ak wan
A transliteration of the lines:
He used to have Candy and Kheer
Now he lives on wild roots and vegetables
My Ram has gone to live in Dandaka Forest
Along with him have gone Sita and Lakshman
My Ram has gone to live in Dandaka Forest
Will not thorns bruise his soft feet
My Ram has gone to live in Dandaka Forest
Well my friend, as per wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versions_of_Ramayana
Jammu and Kashmir – The Kashmiri "Ramavatara Charita" was written in 19th century.
i'm sure u will be able to dig deeper Dinesh
I have written a short note on Kashmiri Ramayan here. You will find it interesting. Many Kashmiri poets composed poem on the episodes of Ramayan. The issue is I don't know where do the above given lines belong.