‘Wan Raaz Trivikramasen! Answer King Trivikramasen’ Baital needles the king into answering his trick questions in a 1960s (?) Kashmiri production of Baital Pachisi for Radio Kashmir. The popular radio show was probably based on Kashmirian Somadeva’s Vetalapanchavirhsati in which the hero, the King is called ‘Trivikramasena, the son of Vikramasena’ ** but still refers to the semi-legendary Vikrama or Vikramaditya of Jain tradition.
More about Vetalapanchavirhsati Here
That was much before Vikram – Betaal of Doordarshan. Suprisingly in those days when TVs didnt exist in homes… the Radio Drama was superhit in Kashmir… This was one of the reasons for the TV Serial being popular too in Kashmir.. the 25 Tales of Betaal…
True…and radio Kashmir did have a lot of talent. I keep hearing so much about it. I wish there was way to dig out its archives.
I have often visited that site…but I was talking about actual old recordings from the radio station.
नमस्कार माहरा
Is it possible as
I wanna listen that serial again
I just want to listen the title music of this serial.
I wanna listen all the episodes, can i get access to its mp3 file