“A Striking Example of the Kashmiri’s Skill in Wood-Carving
This is a two-panel section of a four-panel screen that was made to order by wood-carvers of Kashmir. The side of the screen shown in the illustration carries the Lhassa design, the reverse side being carved in the Kashmiri design of flowers, leaves and vines.”

“The Artizan of Kashmir Combines Utility with Beauty of form and Exquisite Design
The articles shown here illustrate the infinite capacity for taking pains, manifest in all work of these artizans. Three designs are generally followed, the Lhassa as shown by the desk and Large chair, the Kashmiri used on the chair to the left, and the Kashmir shawl design of the candlesticks and letterbox on the desk.”
The above two and the following images are from the book ‘Our summer in the vale of Kashmir’ (1915) by Frederick Ward Denys.
Looking at all these marvellous pieces of Kashmiri Craftsmanship, I was reminded of the stuff shared by Man Mohan Munshi Ji from his private collection earlier at this blog. See Walnut Chair with Chinese Design from 1930s, back then the design was popularly known as ‘Lhassa Design’

“Several Interesting Examples of Wood-carving and Engraving on Silver
Top of cigar box, especially made for the Author: Queen Mary jewel box, the design of which was selected by Her Majesty, and another reproduction of which is shown on the cover of this volume; silver cigarette box, card case, purse and bon-bon box which are engraved with the Kashmiri shawl design”
Check the vintage Vanity Box from Man Mohan Munshi Ji’s collection here

“Articles of Papier Mache, Silver, Brass and wood Exquisitely Designed
The two papier mache vase are done in the beautiful colors of the Kashmir shawl; the perfume sprinkler and bowl beneath it are of silver and show almost incredible skill for detail and beauty of design; the box to the left is used for burning incense; and the other vase is of brass and is both hammered and engraved.”
Now see the image of silver and brass bowl shared by man Mohan Munshi Ji here and check this.