Kashmiri Pandits in Miniature Paintings

Kashmiri Pandit. 18th century. SPS Museum, Srinagar.
Kashmiri Pandit. 18th century. SPS Museum, Srinagar.
Kashmiri Pandit Couple. 19th century. Mead Art Museum, Massachusetts. via: twitter @Yael_Rice
“a Grunthee or Sikh who reads the Grunth & a Kashmiri Pandit”, watercolours on watermarked paper, circa 1850.Via twitter: ਸ੍ਰੀਖੜਗਕੇਤੁ (@Kharagket)

Photo Essay by Anmol Kachroo: Desolate Homes and Silent Walls

SearchKashmir feature.

Anmol Kachroo[instagram] takes a journey to Kashmir to find the address of his old house in Anantnag. He comes across walls that were once home to Kashmiri Pandits.

Downtown, Srinagar.

Walking through the lanes of Downtown was not normal for me. I came across a ruined KP house in one of the lanes and asked someone nearby, "Who's the owner of this old house?" The reply I got, "Who knows! It's been so many years that even I don't remember now."

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