Kashmiri Pandit tradition of leaving first morsel of meal for the dogs.
in bits and pieces
Kashmiri Pandit tradition of leaving first morsel of meal for the dogs.
DIrI dIrI honyo, yati kyo yat kya:h,
Yati chi: DevIta:h, HalmatI yAgnya:h,
Achin su:r dandan syakh, payyiyo honaya:h,
du:r tsal Kutta:h
I came across these lines in ‘Kashmir Hindu Sanskars (Rituals, Rites and Customs): A study’ by S.N. Pandit. The lines were sung in response to the wailing dogs.
Go away; go away dog, what is here? Who is here?
Here are the gods; here we perform a Yajnya of god Ganesha,
Oh dog! Let ashes be in your eyes and sand be under your teeth,
Oh dog go away – go away.