DIrI dIrI honyo

DIrI dIrI honyo, yati kyo yat kya:h,
Yati chi: DevIta:h, HalmatI yAgnya:h,
Achin su:r dandan syakh, payyiyo honaya:h,
du:r tsal Kutta:h

I came across these lines in ‘Kashmir Hindu Sanskars (Rituals, Rites and Customs): A study’ by S.N. Pandit. The lines were sung in response to the wailing dogs.

Go away; go away dog, what is here? Who is here?
Here are the gods; here we perform a Yajnya of god Ganesha,
Oh dog! Let ashes be in your eyes and sand be under your teeth,
Oh dog go away – go away.

