In 1911 Volume II issue of Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Pandit Anand Koul reported discovery of stone inscriptions at the springs at Kapal Mouchan by two priest named Lakshaman Bayu and Vishnu Bayu [‘Boi’ of Kashmiri, for priest or ‘Gor Boi’].
The stone inscriptions were in Sharda and of much interest because the date on them put them in 18th century, around 1789 when Afghans were governing Kashmir (Timur Shah (1772-1793 A.D.), a period which is now remembered as a period of much persecution. It is interesting that even around that time Sharda survived and Pandits were working on their holy places.

Bhushan Kumar Kaul Deambi in his work ‘Sarada and Takari Alphabets: Origin and Development’ (2008) mentions the inscription but reports that this important inscription is now untraceable.
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