For people who write to me asking questions like ‘I like it. Can I use it for my…?’
I realize most people in this part of the world are still new to the concept of copyleft and how it helps in sharing knowledge. Since my blog has already helped a bunch of people in writing books and research papers on various topics, let me explain how my blog has been working for 4 years:
“All the work here (except material which is copy owned by someone else, used under fair use and credited where ever possible) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Which basically means you are free to share anything you may find here. No need to seek permission. (But a simple thank you is appreciated). Also you are free to re-use it for non-commercial purposes provided you let others use your work for free non-commercial purposes. In case of commercial use, do seek a permission first (you can contact me here) In all cases, giving proper credit to the blog/source is the proper thing to do. Be good. Let other people know where you found it. Do not stifle information.